Thursday, March 24, 2016

About the Blog

Dear reader,

Welcome to my blog! This blog will be about  the Amazing Announcements of my life. 

First of all, thank you Mrs. Yollis for giving me my amazing blog. You are a superb teacher.

Here are some of my interests: 

My favorite subject is microbiology. My favorite microorganism is the tough, tardigrade.

Photo by the Goldstein lab
My favorite color is pink. I like it because it is so vibrant. 

My favorite sport is ice hockey. I also play travel hockey.

I also have two amazing fire - bellied toads. They are a mildly poisonous species. 

Photo by Jarek Tuszynski
My 3 top favorite books are A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline Le'angle, The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan, and Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton.

photo by me

And last, but not least, my favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip